HORARIO LUNES - VIERNES 09.00 - 21.00 h

Diagnostic units

Diagnostic Units

They study patients with the possibility of ophthalmologic disease and who do not require hospital care.

Paciente mostrando el resultado de la cirugía oculoplástica recibida


Its objective is the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies originating in the periocular area, mainly eyelids, eyelids, eyelids and…

Niño con gafas leyendo un libro

Children's Ophthalmology

Children may present eye diseases similar to those of adults and others typical of childhood….

Ejemplo de la cirugía refractiva

Refractive Surgery

It is the set of surgical techniques aimed at eliminating or minimizing refractive defects in the eye….

Doctor mostrando la maqueta de un globo ocular

of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve, which is the part of the eye that conducts the images we see to the brain….

Paciente viendo a través de sus gafas que las tiene quitadas

of Macula

Macular degeneration is a lesion or breakdown of the macula. The macula is a small area of the retina located at the back of the retina….

Cirugía de retina de médica

Medical and Surgical Retina Unit

A retinologist is a physician specialized in ophthalmology with medical-surgical training and preferential dedication to this field….

Ojo con lagrimas

Tear ducts

Lacrimal obstruction occurs when there is a partial or complete blockage of the duct system that transports the tears…..

These are the structures located in the anterior part of the eyeball, such as the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris and crystalline lens, among others.

Oftalmólogos realizado una cirugía de alta miopía

High Myopia Surgery

For those cases in which laser correction of refractive defects is not indicated, there are other options…

Aspecto de un ojo afectado por cataratas

Cataract Surgery

Cataract is the loss of transparency of the crystalline lens. Together with the cornea, the crystalline lens, which is a lens…

Oftalmólogo realizando una cirugía de la vista cansada

Tired Eyes Surgery

Eyestrain is the main visual anomaly affecting the Spanish population over the age of 40….

Cirugía implantes de lentes ICL


ICL lenses are the most effective alternative for the treatment of myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia where Lasik is not indicated….

Doctor oftalmólogo realizando una cirugía láser

Laser Surgery Results

In case of myopia, the patient will have very good distance vision, which was previously lacking.

dos iconos de pregunta y tres puntos

Questions and Answers

Frequently asked questions from our patients

icono de doctor

First medical consultation

What to do when you have your first consultation

Do you need any of these surgeries?
Contact us, improve your quality of life.

Hablar Ahora
💬 Habla con un Especialista
Encantado de Saludarte.
Mi nombre es Clara y pertenezco al equipo médico de la Clínica.

¿Qué consulta tienes?